The long-awaited Snow White and the Seven Samurai Trailer has officially dropped as The Asylum continues to build hype for the film set to arrive in theaters on March 1st at the following theaters: Laemmle Town Center 5 (Encina, CA), Hickory Ridge Cinemas (Brunswick, OH), Trylon Cinema (Minneapolis, MN), O Cinema South Beach (Miami Beach, FL), and Aurora Cineplex (Roswell GA).
According to the official synopsis: “Left for dead by her rich and powerful stepmother, Snow White is taken in by a team of assassins – The Seven Samurai, who train her in their ways of fighting. As her stepmother becomes more and more powerful, Snow White and the samurai take up arms to topple her once and for all.”
The film stars Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, Eric Roberts and Gina Vitori.